
9 فایده یادگیری زبان انگلیسی که شمارا شگفت زده میکند (به زبان انگلیسی)

Deciding to learn English at any stage of life is a great idea. According to scientific research, learning a language has amazing benefits. English is one of the most useful languages ​​in the world. The benefits of learning a language are many.

Today, more than 1.5 billion people speak this language. All over the world, English is the first choice of many advanced countries and various industries. By understanding the English language, a wide range of diverse cultures can be understood and analyzed at the ends of the earth. In short, understanding this language will have endless benefits.

In this article, we will explain 9 advantages of language learning. No doubt some of them will surprise you!

The first benefit: it makes the mind more alert

By learning English, he prepares his mind for a great exercise in brain decision-making. English is a combination of German, Latin and French languages. Because familiarity with these languages ​​may make learning English easier for them. But for example, it will be a bigger challenge for the Japanese because of the nature of the Shani language.

The mind is always busy with a constant book of new words and terms. It’s like exercising your brain every day. Finally, he had a strong and alert mind. So, if you want to exercise your brain and make it more alert, English is the best choice.

The second benefit: better and more job opportunities

English may not be the only official language in the world, but it is the default language of countless countries and is used for international communication. Anyway, if you take a look at the job advertisements of most jobs, English language knowledge is on the first place in the list of requirements, which shows its importance.

If you are looking to find a job in another country, knowing the language is essential.

The third advantage: It is one of the best languages ​​for travel

If you think that you can travel to countries like England, America and Canada only by knowing English, you are very wrong! There are more than 50 English-speaking countries in the world. There are also exceptions. In many European cities of the world, English is the second and unofficial language of these cities and tourists use this language to communicate with the citizens of those cities. Even in some cities of China’s 1.3 billion people, you will find people who speak English.

The fourth benefit: studying in the best schools and universities in the world

Like finding a better job, another benefit of learning English is the opportunity to study in the best schools and universities. If you dream of studying in universities like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge and MIT, knowing English will be a must. According to research, it is expected that in the next 10 years something close to 2 billion people around the world will learn English.

So, another advantage of learning a language is acceptance from the best and most prestigious universities and schools in the world.

Fifth benefit: You will become a better writer

One of the best ways to understand English is to write it. The more you write, the better you will understand the nuances and subtleties of that language. By doing this, you will become a better reader and ultimately you will strengthen your imagination.

In elementary school, in order to learn the language better, the student is asked to write the alphabet on paper over and over again. A similar thing happens in adulthood and when learning English, with the difference that a person turns words into sentences by relying on his extensive knowledge. As you practice simple sentences turn into advanced sentences, you will eventually find that you can easily put what is on your mind on paper in English.

Sixth benefit: enjoying classic literature and movies in the original language

Over the past few centuries, a large number of classic films and literature have been produced in English. No matter how accurate the translation is, some parts of the book or movie will be removed and will differ from the original version. Such a thing makes it impossible to deeply understand the memorable and unique works of authors such as Shakespeare or Stephen King.

From the works of great directors like Scorsese to Alfred Hitchcock, you will not experience their unique feeling until you watch them in the original language. After that, in many movies and books, interesting and meaningful escapes are made to some issues of the day, which can only be understood by understanding the English language.

The seventh benefit: correct immigration

To immigrate to an English-speaking country, if you do not know English, you will have a big disadvantage in your case. In the United States, you must pass an English language test to obtain citizenship. The important thing is that immigration is not just about going to that country.

It may be difficult to find a job even knowing the language. If you cannot speak English, the list of jobs will be very short. This issue will put a lot of pressure on you and your family to find a job with a decent income and you have to give in to inappropriate jobs with low income. As a result, living will be much more difficult. Imagine asking for the address of a supermarket, bus stop or hospital, but you don’t know the language…

Eighth benefit: increased concentration

Recent studies show that bilingual or multilingual people have more accuracy and focus than other people. The reason for this is thinking in two languages ​​and constantly changing between the mother tongue and the second language, which leads to increased concentration.

Increasing one’s concentration is achieved by using two skills; Great attention to learning English and speaking. The lack of any one will cause a learning disorder. When speaking, we should pay attention to the details and phrase the words correctly, while in the mother tongue we speak the sentence without thinking.

Ninth benefit: more preparation for learning everyday terms

There are many dialects of English language in all parts of the world. English is used in every country, but with a different dialect and terms specific to that region. Obviously, it will be impossible to learn all the idioms of every country or region, but by knowing the language and talking to native people, you will understand what they mean and you will expand your vocabulary by learning idioms.

As you can see, knowing the English language helps a lot in understanding the world around us. From finding better job opportunities to having a deep and detailed understanding of English literature, everything shows that knowing the language will make the world more accessible.

Now that you have learned the benefits of language learning, we invite you to visit the language training classes of Alborz Language School and register in the desired class according to your needs.

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